
Option List - CalBox mode

Limit dates to after today's date

Callback function to run on control open

Extra arguments to pass to open callback.

Limit dates to before today's date

List of dates to disallow

List of recurring dates to be disallowed

List of days to disallow

Show the control as a dropdown from the input

Show the control as a dropdown from the input (right align)

Show the control as a modal

Show the control as a dropdown from the input, or a modal, depending on screen size

Class of button to use in control

Class of button to use in input element

Always check each date to ensure validity

Control formatting of the calbox grid box

Use control group buttons in calendar

List of dates for Date List Picker

Text for other dates dropdown

Control formatting of the calbox Date Text

Header format for calendar mode

Highlight choosen date

Highlight today's date

Icon for the NEXT month on the calendar control

Suppress Standard Header

Hide next/previous months in calendar

Icon for the PREVIOUS month on the calendar control

Show Special Date List Picker

Show Day Labels

Show ISO Week numbers

Day of week to start calendar on

Show month and year pickers

Show +/- Month buttons with month and year pickers

Preset day select

Weekday to select for calWeekMode

Year picker upper limit

Year picker lower limit

Year picker - is the year relative to the selected year?

Clear Input Element button label

Listener event for all non-closing buttons in control

Listener event for all closing buttons in control

Callback function to run on control close

Extra arguments to pass to close callback.

Button to jump to today closes control on click

Button to jump to tomorrow closes control on click

Format for returned date

Days of the week

Abbreviated days of the week

Default value for the date

List of exclusive ISO dates to be selected

Format for header if used

Hide the Fieldcontainer Element

Hide the Input Element

List of dates to highlight

List of date to highlight

List of recurring dates to highlight

Highlight these days

Class of icons to use in control

Language runs Right-to-Left

The jQuery selector for the output linked field(s)

The format to use with linkedField

Lock the Input Element from manual input

Maximum number of days past today

Minimum amount of days before today

Mode of operations

Months of the year

Abbreviated months of the year

Mouseover tooltip for next month button

Limit dates to *not* today's date

Callback function to run on control open

Extra arguments to pass to open callback.

Controls position of the jQM Popup close button

Force the X position of the opened control

Force the Y position of the opened control

Controls position of the jQM Popup

Mouseover tooltip for prev month button

Callback function to run on original input box change (blur / change)

Set Date Button Label

Auto-fill Input field

Offset the start day by

Offset the start month by

Offset the start year by

Base theme for control

Theme for cancel button

Theme for clear button.

Theme for close button in header

Theme swatch for other dates

Theme swatch for highDates

Theme swatch for highDatesAlt

Theme swatch for highDatesRec

Theme swatch for choosen date

Theme swatch for today's date

Theme swatch for highDays

Theme for header

Theme for 'Jump to Today' button

Theme for 'Jump to Tomorrow' button

Date modes fallback header label

Jump to today button Label

Text for "tommorrow" button

Mouseover tooltip for open button

Transition for display

Where the cutoff between 19XX and 20XX happens

Use Animations

Animation Time

Use Arabic/Indic numerals

Show a button in the Input Element to open the control

Show a button to cancel the Input control

Show a button to clear the Input

Collapse multiple control buttons.

Open the control when the Input Element is focused

Use a toolbar header for the control

Update the Input Element on every control change

Show control inline in the page

When showing control inline, align according to this.

Show the control inline in the page when opened

The current active langauge / locale

Use faded modal background for control

Theme for modal background of control

Attempt to auto fill the placeholder text (or use the supplied custom text)

Show button to jump to today

Show button to jump to tomorrow

Always allow these ISO dates to be selected

Z-Index of controls