
Option List - Display

Show the control as a dropdown from the input

Show the control as a dropdown from the input (right align)

Show the control as a modal

Show the control as a dropdown from the input, or a modal, depending on screen size

Class of button to use in control

Class of button to use in input element

Listener event for all non-closing buttons in control

Listener event for all closing buttons in control

Class to add to internal input elements

Hide the Fieldcontainer Element

Hide the Input Element

Class of icons to use in control

Controls position of the jQM Popup close button

Force the X position of the opened control

Force the Y position of the opened control

Controls position of the jQM Popup

Transition for display

Use Animations

Animation Time

Show a button in the Input Element to open the control

Open the control when the Input Element is focused

Show control inline in the page

When showing control inline, align according to this.

Show the control inline in the page when opened

Use faded modal background for control

Theme for modal background of control

Attempt to auto fill the placeholder text (or use the supplied custom text)

Z-Index of controls