jQM-Datebox requires a recent version of jQuery (last tested with both 1.9+ and 2. +).
For jQueryMobile, the current DateBox is usually tested with only the latest point release, however it will usually work for a few prior releases.
For Twitter Bootstrap operation, the bootstrap css file is required ( the bootstrap JavaScript modal plugin is used). Additionally, the jQueryUI Widget Factory is required. You can either include all of jQueryUI, or you can build a custom version of jQueryUI containing only the widget factory. Although the default jQueryUI widgets look poor on bootstrap, they do not actually conflict.
To know what the current recommendation versions are, take a look near the top of the script file.
For jQueryUI framework operation, only the jQueryUI Widget Factory is required. The plugin will assume that a jQueryUI css theme file is present, but you are welcome and encouraged to create your own. At this time, the .ui-widget-, .ui-button, .ui-state-, and .ui-icon-* classes are actually referenced (DatePicker clases are NOT used). Please see the jQueryUI ThemeRoller for more information.
// Check Header for Build Date.
version: "4.4.2", // Actually DateBox Version
// These are never used, just information
jqmVersion: "1.4.5", // Version of jQM used for testing
bootstrapVersion: "3.3.7", // Version of Twitter Bootstrap used for testing
bootstrap4Version: "4.2.1", // Version of Twitter Bootstrap4 used for testing
jqmuiWidgetVersion: "1.11.4" // Version of the jQueryUI Widget Factor used for testing
Script Includes
You will need to include the CSS and JS file for the framework of your choice. If you wish to customize which display modes are available, please use the Download Builder.
Optionally, you can enable mousewheel support for desktop operation of DateBox by including Brandon Aaron’s mousewheel plugin prior to loading DateBox. It is available at: mousewheel
jQueryMobile Version
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Twitter Bootstrap (v3 and v4) Version
Please note: the jQueryUI library, specically Core::Widget is required for DateBox to work. If you are looking to save space, you can build a custom version of jQueryUI with the download builder on the jQueryUI site - at time of writing, it adds about 8kb of minimized code.
Please note: the bootstrap javascript file is required for modal opertaion. Either include it, or turn "bootstrapResponsive" off.
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
jQueryUI Version
Please note: the jQueryUI library, specically Core::Widget is required for DateBox to work.
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Language File(s)
You should include at least one language file - you can include multiple, and we will cover later how to go about switching languages on the fly. However, if you are storing you user’s language preference server side, it is far preferable to just send the one file they need.
US English
<script src="" type="text/javascript" ></script>
Other Languages
Other language files are available at: i18n repo - Information on how the localization system works can be found in section 3.2.
Installation Alternatives
As a note, if you have a production application, it is strongly recomended that you make a local copy of the script files. My “CDN” is a distibution folder on a single server, there is no redundancy, and it is occasionally prone to downtime.
If you prefer bower, bower install jtsage-datebox will get you built versions for every library.
Custom jQueryMobile Builds
If you want to do a custom build of jQueryMobile, I believe the following are the minimum requirements for DateBox to function properly (as of 1.4.5):
- Core : All
- Events: All (added by Core::init)
- Forms: Fieldcontainers, Controlgroups, Text Inputs & Textareas
- Navigation: All (added by Core::init)
- Transitions: Concurrent, Handlers, Serial, Core (added by Core::init) AND Pop Transition
- Utilities: Degrade, Link, Match Media, Zoom (added by Core::init)
- Widgets: First & Last, Loading (added by Core::init) AND Popups