DateBox has a number of kinda cool features, among them:
- Framework agnostic
- Fully jQueryMobile compatible (original mode)
- Fully bootstrap compatible (v3 and v4)
- Fully jQuery only compatible, using the bootstrap mode - however you’ll need to provide your own styling.
- Multiple display and entry modes for dates, times, and durations
- Android-like style (entry box with +/- buttons)
- Full Calendar display
- Flip (IOS) style (draggabled stacked list)
- Slide style (draggable horizontal list)
- Multiple control display modes
- Popup (jQM Default)
- Dropdown (Bootstrap Default)
- Inline with other form controls
- Slide down from original input element
- Fully localized - 40+ languages pre-configured
- Fully custiomizable output formats
- Supports multiple methods of limiting valid date entry
- Supports entry, exit, creation, selection, change, and more programming hooks