How the %^$%^ do the Demos Work?
After some thought, I decided to include the annotated demo magic function here. I doubt it’s useful outside of it’s purpose, but it does show how to dynamically change datebox options.
Main Part
$(document).on('change', '.demopick', function(e){
// Listen to all elements with the "demopick" class
// Set some quick links.
thisSel = $(e.currentTarget); // The input that changed
thisBox = '#''link'); // The datebox to change, from the data-link attribute
// Grab the raw value.
thisVal = thisSel.val();
// Check to see if it's valid JSON.
thisJSON = makeJSON(thisVal);
if ( thisVal === "true" ) { thisVal = true; } // Convert string "true" to bool true
if ( thisVal === "false" ) { thisVal = false; } // Convert string "false" to bool false
// If it's a string of an integer, convert it to an integer.
if ( thisVal == parseInt(thisVal,10) ) { thisVal = parseInt(thisVal,10); }
// If it *was* valid JSON, use that instead.
if ( thisJSON !==false ) { thisVal = thisJSON; }
// Create an empty opject.
thisObj = {};
// Set option to value - option name from data-opt attribute.
thisObj['opt')] = thisVal;
// Finally update the datebox.
JSON “maker”
function makeJSON(str) {
try {
// Just return the JSON. If it's invalid, it'll throw an error.
return jQuery.parseJSON(str);
} catch (e) {
// In which case, the answer is false.
return false;