This section is really sort of misnamed. It refers to the data available to use inside of a callback function.
Callback arguments
Callbacks are called with “this” being set to the DateBox widget object.
Additionally, the callback is called with an arguments[0] of useful DateBox data.
Finally, “closeCallbackArgs” is appended. For the open callback “openCallbackArgs” is used.
The first argument to any callback function, open or close, is an object of “useful” DateBox values. They are:
- date : The JavaScript date object of the current (chosen) date - Always defined, even if meaningless.
- initDate : The JavaScript date object that holds the widget creation time/date. Always defined.
- duration : The last entered duration, in seconds for duration modes - undefined if not.
- custom : The array of chosen CustomFlip indexes if appropriate, undefined if not.
Useful widget (this) methods and variables
- lastDuration: last set duration
- theDate: current set date
- d.intHTML: current widget HTML
- options: the current set options of DateBox
Of course, all the public functions listed in the API can be called directly.
Some “private” methods that might be useful (and possibly destructive) are:
- _ord(int): Get a number’s ordinal
- __(string): Get an i18n value for string key
- _zPad(int): Zero pad an integer to 2 digits
- _dRep(string,int): Convert “string” to (int>0) indic numbers, or (int<0) from indic numbers
- _grabLabel()*: Grab the most reasonable label for the control. Returns string