DateBox provides both and open and close callback hook as an option. See the next page for a bit on usage, and the API documents on usage enviroment.
- “beforeOpenCallback” : Callback function to run BEFORE control open
- “beforeOpenCallbackArgs” : Extra arguments to pass to BEFORE open callback.
- “openCallback” : Callback function to run on control open
- “openCallbackArgs” : Extra arguments to pass to open callback.
- “closeCallback” : Callback function to run on control close
- “closeCallbackArgs” : Extra arguments to pass to close callback.
Callback as a reference
The easies method of linking a callback is by reference. For instance:
window.someFunction = function(objA, param1, ...) {
// Do Something
Then, to link it to datebox, it could be as easy as:
<input type="text" data-role="datebox" data-datebox-mode="calbox" data-datebox-openCallback="someFunction">
<input type="text" data-role="datebox" data-options='{"mode": "calbox", "openCallback": "someFunction"}'>
Callback Arguments
The first argument to any callback function, open or close, is an object of “useful” datebox values. They are:
- date : The JavaScript date object of the current (choosen) date - Always defined, even if meaningless.
- initDate : The JavaScript date object that holds the widget creation time/date. Always defined.
- duration : The last entered duration, in seconds for duration modes - undefined if not.
- custom : The array of chosen CustomFlip indexes if appropriate, undefined if not.
- cancelClose : [Close only] - If the close action was triggered by a user cancel (true), or by setting the date (false)
The second and beyond arguments are the members of the closeCallbackArgs / openCallbackArgs array. When writing functions, it is important to keep in mind that openCallBackArgs[0] === arguments[1].
Although it is not often useful for the object to be returned on openCallback, it still is to provide a consistent prototype between open/close.
Callback Return Values
The return value of closeCallback is not used in any way. It is simply discarded.
If the return value of openCallback is “false” (===), the control will immediatly close again. While it would be likely be preferable to not open the control at all, this concession was made to be able to take advantage of jQM’s built-in “afteropen”/”afterclose”
DateBox also provides a few “global” listeners. They are:
- “dateboxbeforecreate” : Triggered on every page if datebox is loaded. Somewhat useless
- “dateboxcreate” : Triggered when a datebox is enhanced - but thrown prior to initialization. Useful only to check if there is a datebox on the page
- “dateboxaftercreate” : Triggered when after a datebox is enhanced